Friday, December 5, 2008

Weekly Poll Results for December 5th

The question of the week was Your estimate for when the economy will begin recovery?

The results were as follows:

100% of the responders said 2009

This is encouraging that the majority of the people at least in our little community are optimistic about our economic chances for next year. Does this have something to do with the incoming Presidential administration? Perhaps it is more a positive responce to the efforst of the Feds to stave off a deeper recession?

Time will tell. We will continue our efforst to inform and encourage your participation so that we can all benefit from a greater understanding of the financial world we live in!

We thank those that took time to participate in the survey. Unfortunately no one left any comments with their contact information so we were not able to do any interviews. Hopefully this week we will be able to provide an interview along with the poll results.
Please remember to not only participate in the poll but to drop a comment with your contact info so we can interview you!

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