(AHL LENDING) A TAMPA BASED HARDMONEY LENDER - Announces its newly released state of the art hardmoney website to meet the increible demands of hardmoney applications for residential and commerical hardmoney projects across the united states. Our website is a resource tool to submitt loans for the seasoned mortgage professional and a learning tool for the inexperienced hardmoney loan officers.
www.harddmoneyloans.com Is a valuable resource for hardmoney professionals nationwide that giveS loan officers 1 hour prequalifcations 24/7, it's a learning center, marketing and sales tips -for find marketing hardmoney residential and commerical loans. We provide hardmoney loans from 25k to 250 million dollar projects nationwide, single family residences, jumbo luxury homes, hotels, strip malls. making us the number one rated hardmoney site on googledirect national lenders.
Mr Granger says "" We our offer Commerical, Residential HARD MONEY, LAND LOANS, AND LARGE PROJECT DEVELOPMENTLOANS, RANGING FORM 30 YR FIXED TO 2-3 YR ARMS WITH RATES AVERAGING AROUND 12%--- We fill a void for clients who or self employed, our business is up 1000% we or equity driven, and the hardmoney lending arena fills a huge void left by the subprime lenders.
All programs ,rates, tools, and products can be veiwed at AHL new website: Nationwide Hard Money Lender. WE also have a state of the art INVESTOR SECTION FOR INVESTORS LOOKING TO INVEST IN 1ST TRUST DEEDS WITH 13% ROI, VISIT OUR INVESTOR PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION
SOURCE: http://www.fastpitchnetworking.com/pr/pressrelease.cfm?PRID=25240
Hard Money Lenders